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CEF C++ API Docs - Revision 1123

Class CefRequestHandler


   in cef_request_handler.h

class CefRequestHandler
extends CefBase

Implement this interface to handle events related to browser requests. The methods of this class will be called on the thread indicated.

Inner Classes, Typedefs, and Enums
typedef CefRequestHandler::NavType
Method Summary
 virtual bool GetAuthCredentials( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, bool isProxy, const CefString& host, int port, const CefString& realm, const CefString& scheme, CefString& username, CefString& password )
          Called on the IO thread when the browser needs credentials from the user.
 virtual CefRefPtr< CefCookieManager > GetCookieManager( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, const CefString& main_url )
          Called on the IO thread to retrieve the cookie manager.
 virtual bool GetDownloadHandler( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, const CefString& mimeType, const CefString& fileName, int64 contentLength, CefRefPtr< CefDownloadHandler >& handler )
          Called on the UI thread when a server indicates via the 'Content-Disposition' header that a response represents a file to download.
 virtual bool OnBeforeBrowse( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, CefRefPtr< CefFrame > frame, CefRefPtr< CefRequest > request, CefRequestHandler::NavType navType, bool isRedirect )
          Called on the UI thread before browser navigation.
 virtual bool OnBeforeResourceLoad( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, CefRefPtr< CefRequest > request, CefString& redirectUrl, CefRefPtr< CefStreamReader >& resourceStream, CefRefPtr< CefResponse > response, int loadFlags )
          Called on the IO thread before a resource is loaded.
 virtual bool OnProtocolExecution( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, const CefString& url, bool& allowOSExecution )
          Called on the IO thread to handle requests for URLs with an unknown protocol component.
 virtual void OnResourceRedirect( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, const CefString& old_url, CefString& new_url )
          Called on the IO thread when a resource load is redirected.
 virtual void OnResourceResponse( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, const CefString& url, CefRefPtr< CefResponse > response, CefRefPtr< CefContentFilter >& filter )
          Called on the UI thread after a response to the resource request is received.
Methods inherited from class CefBase
AddRef, Release, GetRefCt

Method Detail


public virtual bool GetAuthCredentials( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, bool isProxy, const CefString& host, int port, const CefString& realm, const CefString& scheme, CefString& username, CefString& password );
Called on the IO thread when the browser needs credentials from the user. |isProxy| indicates whether the host is a proxy server. |host| contains the hostname and port number. Set |username| and |password| and return true to handle the request. Return false to cancel the request.


public virtual CefRefPtr< CefCookieManager > GetCookieManager( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, const CefString& main_url );
Called on the IO thread to retrieve the cookie manager. |main_url| is the URL of the top-level frame. Cookies managers can be unique per browser or shared across multiple browsers. The global cookie manager will be used if this method returns NULL.


public virtual bool GetDownloadHandler( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, const CefString& mimeType, const CefString& fileName, int64 contentLength, CefRefPtr< CefDownloadHandler >& handler );
Called on the UI thread when a server indicates via the 'Content-Disposition' header that a response represents a file to download. |mimeType| is the mime type for the download, |fileName| is the suggested target file name and |contentLength| is either the value of the 'Content-Size' header or -1 if no size was provided. Set |handler| to the CefDownloadHandler instance that will recieve the file contents. Return true to download the file or false to cancel the file download.


public virtual bool OnBeforeBrowse( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, CefRefPtr< CefFrame > frame, CefRefPtr< CefRequest > request, CefRequestHandler::NavType navType, bool isRedirect );
Called on the UI thread before browser navigation. Return true to cancel the navigation or false to allow the navigation to proceed.


public virtual bool OnBeforeResourceLoad( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, CefRefPtr< CefRequest > request, CefString& redirectUrl, CefRefPtr< CefStreamReader >& resourceStream, CefRefPtr< CefResponse > response, int loadFlags );
Called on the IO thread before a resource is loaded. To allow the resource to load normally return false. To redirect the resource to a new url populate the |redirectUrl| value and return false. To specify data for the resource return a CefStream object in |resourceStream|, use the |response| object to set mime type, HTTP status code and optional header values, and return false. To cancel loading of the resource return true. Any modifications to |request| will be observed. If the URL in |request| is changed and |redirectUrl| is also set, the URL in |request| will be used.


public virtual bool OnProtocolExecution( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, const CefString& url, bool& allowOSExecution );
Called on the IO thread to handle requests for URLs with an unknown protocol component. Return true to indicate that the request should succeed because it was handled externally. Set |allowOSExecution| to true and return false to attempt execution via the registered OS protocol handler, if any. If false is returned and either |allow_os_execution| is false or OS protocol handler execution fails then the request will fail with an error condition. SECURITY WARNING: YOU SHOULD USE THIS METHOD TO ENFORCE RESTRICTIONS BASED ON SCHEME, HOST OR OTHER URL ANALYSIS BEFORE ALLOWING OS EXECUTION.


public virtual void OnResourceRedirect( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, const CefString& old_url, CefString& new_url );
Called on the IO thread when a resource load is redirected. The |old_url| parameter will contain the old URL. The |new_url| parameter will contain the new URL and can be changed if desired.


public virtual void OnResourceResponse( CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser, const CefString& url, CefRefPtr< CefResponse > response, CefRefPtr< CefContentFilter >& filter );
Called on the UI thread after a response to the resource request is received. Set |filter| if response content needs to be monitored and/or modified as it arrives.

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CEF C++ API Docs - Revision 1123

Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) Copyright © 2011 Marshall A. Greenblatt