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CEF C++ API Docs - Revision 1123

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Class Summary
( globals)  
_cef_browser_settings_t Browser initialization settings.
_cef_cookie_t Cookie information.
_cef_geoposition_t Structure representing geoposition information.
_cef_key_info_t Class representing key information.
_cef_menu_info_t Structure representing menu information.
_cef_popup_features_t Popup window features.
_cef_print_info_t Class representing print context information.
_cef_print_options_t Printing options.
_cef_proxy_info_t Proxy information.
_cef_rect_t Structure representing a rectangle.
_cef_settings_t Initialization settings.
_cef_time_t Time information.
_cef_urlparts_t URL component parts.
_cef_window_info_t Class representing window information.
cef_dom_document_type_t DOM document types.
cef_dom_event_category_t DOM event category flags.
cef_dom_event_phase_t DOM event processing phases.
cef_dom_node_type_t DOM node types.
cef_drag_operations_mask_t "Verb" of a drag-and-drop operation as negotiated between the source and destination.
cef_geoposition_error_code_t Geoposition error codes.
cef_graphics_implementation_t Supported graphics implementations.
cef_handler_errorcode_t Supported error code values.
cef_handler_focus_source_t Focus sources.
cef_handler_keyevent_modifiers_t Key event modifiers.
cef_handler_keyevent_type_t Key event types.
cef_handler_navtype_t Various browser navigation types supported by chrome.
cef_handler_statustype_t Status message types.
cef_key_type_t Key types.
cef_log_severity_t Log severity levels.
cef_menu_capabilitybits_t The cef_menu_info_t editFlags value will be a combination of the following values.
cef_menu_id_t Supported menu ID values.
cef_menu_typebits_t The cef_menu_info_t typeFlags value will be a combination of the following values.
cef_mouse_button_type_t Mouse button types.
cef_page_orientation Page orientation for printing.
cef_paper_metrics Paper metric information for printing.
cef_paper_type_t Paper type for printing.
cef_postdataelement_type_t Post data elements may represent either bytes or files.
cef_print_margins Paper print margins.
cef_proxy_type_t Proxy types.
cef_storage_type_t Storage types.
cef_string_list_t CEF string maps are a set of key/value string pairs.
cef_string_map_t CEF string maps are a set of key/value string pairs.
cef_string_multimap_t CEF string multimaps are a set of key/value string pairs.
cef_string_userfree_wide_t It is sometimes necessary for the system to allocate string structures with the expectation that the user will free them.
cef_thread_id_t Existing thread IDs.
cef_v8_accesscontrol_t V8 access control values.
cef_v8_propertyattribute_t V8 property attribute values.
cef_xml_encoding_type_t Supported XML encoding types.
cef_xml_node_type_t XML node types.
CefApp Implement this interface to provide handler implementations.
CefBase Interface defining the reference count implementation methods.
CefBrowser Class used to represent a browser window.
CefBrowserSettings Class representing browser initialization settings.
CefByteReadHandler Thread safe implementation of the CefReadHandler class for reading an in-memory array of bytes.
CefClient Implement this interface to provide handler implementations.
CefCommandLine Class used to create and/or parse command line arguments.
CefContentFilter Interface to implement for filtering response content.
CefCookie Class representing a cookie.
CefCookieManager Class used for managing cookies.
CefCookieVisitor Interface to implement for visiting cookie values.
CefCriticalSection Critical section wrapper.
CefDisplayHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to browser display state.
CefDOMDocument Class used to represent a DOM document.
CefDOMEvent Class used to represent a DOM event.
CefDOMEventListener Interface to implement for handling DOM events.
CefDOMNode Class used to represent a DOM node.
CefDOMVisitor Interface to implement for visiting the DOM.
CefDownloadHandler Class used to handle file downloads.
CefDragData Class used to represent drag data.
CefDragHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to dragging.
CefFindHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to find results.
CefFocusHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to focus.
CefFrame Class used to represent a frame in the browser window.
CefGeolocationCallback Callback interface used for asynchronous continuation of geolocation permission requests.
CefGeolocationHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to geolocation permission requests.
CefGeoposition Class representing a geoposition.
CefGetGeolocationCallback Implement this interface to receive geolocation updates.
CefJSDialogHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to JavaScript dialogs.
CefKeyboardHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to keyboard input.
CefKeyInfo Class representing key information.
CefLifeSpanHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to browser life span.
CefLoadHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to browser load status.
CefMenuHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to browser context menus.
CefMenuInfo Class representing menu info.
CefPermissionHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to browser permissions.
CefPluginInfo Netscape plugins are normally built at separate DLLs that are loaded by the browser when needed.
CefPopupFeatures Class representing popup window features.
CefPostData Class used to represent post data for a web request.
CefPostDataElement Class used to represent a single element in the request post data.
CefPrintHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to printing.
CefPrintInfo Class representing print context information.
CefPrintOptions Class representing print options.
CefProxyHandler Implement this interface to handle proxy resolution events.
CefProxyInfo Class representing the results of proxy resolution.
CefReadHandler Interface the client can implement to provide a custom stream reader.
CefRect Class representing a rectangle.
CefRefCount Class that implements atomic reference counting.
CefRefPtr Smart pointer implementation borrowed from base/ref_counted.
CefRenderHandler Implement this interface to handle events when window rendering is disabled.
CefRequest Class used to represent a web request.
CefRequestHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to browser requests.
CefResourceBundleHandler Class used to implement a custom resource bundle interface.
CefResponse Class used to represent a web response.
CefSchemeHandler Class used to implement a custom scheme handler interface.
CefSchemeHandlerCallback Class used to facilitate asynchronous responses to custom scheme handler requests.
CefSchemeHandlerFactory Class that creates CefSchemeHandler instances.
CefSchemeRegistrar Class that manages custom scheme registrations.
CefSettings Class representing initialization settings.
CefStreamReader Class used to read data from a stream.
CefStreamWriter Class used to write data to a stream.
CefStringBase CEF string classes can convert between all supported string types.
CefStringTraitsUTF16 Traits implementation for utf16 character strings.
CefStringTraitsUTF8 Traits implementation for utf8 character strings.
CefStringTraitsWide Traits implementation for wide character strings.
CefStructBase Template class that provides common functionality for CEF structure wrapping.
CefTask Implement this interface for task execution.
CefTime Class representing a time.
CefURLParts Class representing a URL's component parts.
CefV8Accessor Interface that should be implemented to handle V8 accessor calls.
CefV8Context Class that encapsulates a V8 context handle.
CefV8ContextHandler Implement this interface to handle V8 context events.
CefV8Exception Class representing a V8 exception.
CefV8Handler Interface that should be implemented to handle V8 function calls.
CefV8StackFrame Class representing a V8 stack frame.
CefV8StackTrace Class representing a V8 stack trace.
CefV8Value Class representing a V8 value.
CefWebPluginInfo Information about a specific web plugin.
CefWebURLRequest Class used to make a Web URL request.
CefWebURLRequestClient Interface that should be implemented by the CefWebURLRequest client.
CefWindowInfo Class representing window information.
CefWindowInfoTraits Handle types.
CefWriteHandler Interface the client can implement to provide a custom stream writer.
CefXmlObject Thread safe class for representing XML data as a structured object.
CefXmlReader Class that supports the reading of XML data via the libxml streaming API.
CefZipArchive Thread-safe class for accessing zip archive file contents.
CefZipReader Class that supports the reading of zip archives via the zlib unzip API.
CefZoomHandler Implement this interface to customize zoom handling.

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CEF C++ API Docs - Revision 1123
Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) Copyright © 2011 Marshall A. Greenblatt