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CEF3 C++ API Docs - Version 80.1.4+g8927396+chromium-80.0.3987.149

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Class Summary
( globals)  
_cef_box_layout_settings_t Settings used when initializing a CefBoxLayout.
_cef_browser_settings_t Browser initialization settings.
_cef_composition_underline_t Structure representing IME composition underline information.
_cef_cookie_t Cookie information.
_cef_cursor_info_t Structure representing cursor information.
_cef_draggable_region_t Structure representing a draggable region.
_cef_insets_t Structure representing insets.
_cef_key_event_t Structure representing keyboard event information.
_cef_main_args_t Structure representing CefExecuteProcess arguments.
_cef_mouse_event_t Structure representing mouse event information.
_cef_point_t Structure representing a point.
_cef_popup_features_t Popup window features.
_cef_range_t Structure representing a range.
_cef_rect_t Structure representing a rectangle.
_cef_request_context_settings_t Request context initialization settings.
_cef_screen_info_t Screen information used when window rendering is disabled.
_cef_settings_t Initialization settings.
_cef_size_t Structure representing a size.
_cef_time_t Time information.
_cef_touch_event_t Structure representing touch event information.
_cef_urlparts_t URL component parts.
_cef_window_info_t Structure representing window information.
cef_alpha_type_t Describes how to interpret the alpha component of a pixel.
cef_button_state_t Specifies the button display state.
cef_cdm_registration_error_t Error codes for CDM registration.
cef_cert_status_t Supported certificate status code values.
cef_color_model_t Print job color mode values.
cef_color_type_t Describes how to interpret the components of a pixel.
cef_com_init_mode_t Windows COM initialization mode.
cef_context_menu_edit_state_flags_t Supported context menu edit state bit flags.
cef_context_menu_media_state_flags_t Supported context menu media state bit flags.
cef_context_menu_media_type_t Supported context menu media types.
cef_context_menu_type_flags_t Supported context menu type flags.
cef_cross_axis_alignment_t Specifies where along the cross axis the CefBoxLayout child views should be laid out.
cef_cursor_type_t Cursor type values.
cef_dom_document_type_t DOM document types.
cef_dom_event_category_t DOM event category flags.
cef_dom_event_phase_t DOM event processing phases.
cef_dom_node_type_t DOM node types.
cef_drag_operations_mask_t "Verb" of a drag-and-drop operation as negotiated between the source and destination.
cef_duplex_mode_t Print job duplex mode values.
cef_errorcode_t Supported error code values.
cef_event_flags_t Supported event bit flags.
cef_file_dialog_mode_t Supported file dialog modes.
cef_focus_source_t Focus sources.
cef_jsdialog_type_t Supported JavaScript dialog types.
cef_key_event_type_t Key event types.
cef_log_severity_t Log severity levels.
cef_main_axis_alignment_t Specifies where along the main axis the CefBoxLayout child views should be laid out.
cef_media_route_connection_state_t Connection state for a MediaRoute object.
cef_media_route_create_result_t Result codes for CefMediaRouter::CreateRoute.
cef_menu_id_t Supported menu IDs.
cef_menu_item_type_t Supported menu item types.
cef_message_loop_type_t Message loop types.
cef_mouse_button_type_t Mouse button types.
cef_navigation_type_t Navigation types.
cef_paint_element_type_t Paint element types.
cef_path_key_t Path key values.
cef_pointer_type_t The device type that caused the event.
cef_postdataelement_type_t Post data elements may represent either bytes or files.
cef_process_id_t Existing process IDs.
cef_referrer_policy_t Options that can be passed to CefParseJSON.
cef_resource_type_t Resource type for a request.
cef_response_filter_status_t Return values for CefResponseFilter::Filter().
cef_return_value_t Return value types.
cef_scheme_options_t Specifies the horizontal text alignment mode.
cef_state_t Represents the state of a setting.
cef_storage_type_t Storage types.
cef_string_list_t CEF string maps are a set of key/value string pairs.
cef_string_map_t CEF string maps are a set of key/value string pairs.
cef_string_multimap_t CEF string multimaps are a set of key/value string pairs.
cef_string_userfree_wide_t It is sometimes necessary for the system to allocate string structures with the expectation that the user will free them.
cef_termination_status_t Process termination status values.
cef_text_input_mode_t Input mode of a virtual keyboard.
cef_text_style_t Text style types.
cef_thread_priority_t Existing thread IDs.
cef_touch_event_type_t Touch points states types.
cef_transition_type_t Transition type for a request.
cef_uri_unescape_rule_t URI unescape rules passed to CefURIDecode().
cef_urlrequest_flags_t Flags used to customize the behavior of CefURLRequest.
cef_urlrequest_status_t Flags that represent CefURLRequest status.
cef_v8_accesscontrol_t V8 access control values.
cef_v8_propertyattribute_t V8 property attribute values.
cef_value_type_t Supported value types.
cef_window_open_disposition_t The manner in which a link click should be opened.
cef_xml_encoding_type_t Supported XML encoding types.
cef_xml_node_type_t XML node types.
CefAccessibilityHandler Implement this interface to receive accessibility notification when accessibility events have been registered.
CefApp Implement this interface to provide handler implementations.
CefAuthCallback Callback interface used for asynchronous continuation of authentication requests.
CefBaseRefCounted All ref-counted framework classes must extend this class.
CefBaseScoped All scoped framework classes must extend this class.
CefBeforeDownloadCallback Callback interface used to asynchronously continue a download.
CefBinaryValue Class representing a binary value.
CefBoxLayout A Layout manager that arranges child views vertically or horizontally in a side-by-side fashion with spacing around and between the child views.
CefBoxLayoutSettings Class representing CefBoxLayout settings.
CefBrowser Class used to represent a browser window.
CefBrowserHost Class used to represent the browser process aspects of a browser window.
CefBrowserProcessHandler Class used to implement browser process callbacks.
CefBrowserSettings Class representing browser initialization settings.
CefBrowserView A View hosting a CefBrowser instance.
CefBrowserViewDelegate Implement this interface to handle BrowserView events.
CefButton A View representing a button.
CefButtonDelegate Implement this interface to handle Button events.
CefByteReadHandler Thread safe implementation of the CefReadHandler class for reading an in-memory array of bytes.
CefCallback Generic callback interface used for asynchronous continuation.
CefClient Implement this interface to provide handler implementations.
CefCommandLine Class used to create and/or parse command line arguments.
CefCompletionCallback Generic callback interface used for asynchronous completion.
CefCompositionUnderline Class representing IME composition underline.
CefContextMenuHandler Implement this interface to handle context menu events.
CefContextMenuParams Provides information about the context menu state.
CefCookie Class representing a cookie.
CefCookieAccessFilter Implement this interface to filter cookies that may be sent or received from resource requests.
CefCookieManager Class used for managing cookies.
CefCookieVisitor Interface to implement for visiting cookie values.
CefCursorInfo Class representing cursor information.
CefDeleteCookiesCallback Interface to implement to be notified of asynchronous completion via CefCookieManager::DeleteCookies().
CefDialogHandler Implement this interface to handle dialog events.
CefDictionaryValue Class representing a dictionary value.
CefDisplay This class typically, but not always, corresponds to a physical display connected to the system.
CefDisplayHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to browser display state.
CefDOMDocument Class used to represent a DOM document.
CefDOMNode Class used to represent a DOM node.
CefDOMVisitor Interface to implement for visiting the DOM.
CefDownloadHandler Class used to handle file downloads.
CefDownloadImageCallback Callback interface for CefBrowserHost::DownloadImage.
CefDownloadItem Class used to represent a download item.
CefDownloadItemCallback Callback interface used to asynchronously cancel a download.
CefDragData Class used to represent drag data.
CefDraggableRegion Class representing a draggable region.
CefDragHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to dragging.
CefEndTracingCallback Implement this interface to receive notification when tracing has completed.
CefExtension Object representing an extension.
CefExtensionHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to browser extensions.
CefFileDialogCallback Callback interface for asynchronous continuation of file dialog requests.
CefFillLayout A simple Layout that causes the associated Panel's one child to be sized to match the bounds of its parent.
CefFindHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to find results.
CefFocusHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to focus.
CefFrame Class used to represent a frame in the browser window.
CefGetExtensionResourceCallback Callback interface used for asynchronous continuation of CefExtensionHandler::GetExtensionResource.
CefImage Container for a single image represented at different scale factors.
CefInsets Class representing insets.
CefJSDialogCallback Callback interface used for asynchronous continuation of JavaScript dialog requests.
CefJSDialogHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to JavaScript dialogs.
CefKeyboardHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to keyboard input.
CefKeyEvent Class representing a a keyboard event.
CefLabelButton LabelButton is a button with optional text and/or icon.
CefLayout A Layout handles the sizing of the children of a Panel according to implementation-specific heuristics.
CefLifeSpanHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to browser life span.
CefListValue Class representing a list value.
CefLoadHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to browser load status.
CefMainArgsTraits Handle types.
CefMediaObserver Implemented by the client to observe MediaRouter events and registered via CefMediaRouter::AddObserver.
CefMediaRoute Represents the route between a media source and sink.
CefMediaRouteCreateCallback Callback interface for CefMediaRouter::CreateRoute.
CefMediaRouter Supports discovery of and communication with media devices on the local network via the Cast and DIAL protocols.
CefMediaSink Represents a sink to which media can be routed.
CefMediaSource Represents a source from which media can be routed.
CefMenuButton MenuButton is a button with optional text, icon and/or menu marker that shows a menu when clicked with the left mouse button.
CefMenuButtonDelegate Implement this interface to handle MenuButton events.
CefMenuButtonPressedLock MenuButton pressed lock is released when this object is destroyed.
CefMenuModel Supports creation and modification of menus.
CefMenuModelDelegate Implement this interface to handle menu model events.
CefMessageRouterBrowserSide Implements the browser side of query routing.
CefMessageRouterConfig Used to configure the query router.
CefMessageRouterRendererSide Implements the renderer side of query routing.
CefMouseEvent Class representing a mouse event.
CefNavigationEntry Class used to represent an entry in navigation history.
CefNavigationEntryVisitor Callback interface for CefBrowserHost::GetNavigationEntries.
CefPanel A Panel is a container in the views hierarchy that can contain other Views as children.
CefPanelDelegate Implement this interface to handle Panel events.
CefPdfPrintCallback Callback interface for CefBrowserHost::PrintToPDF.
CefPdfPrintSettings Class representing PDF print settings
CefPoint Class representing a point.
CefPopupFeatures Class representing popup window features.
CefPostData Class used to represent post data for a web request.
CefPostDataElement Class used to represent a single element in the request post data.
CefPrintDialogCallback Callback interface for asynchronous continuation of print dialog requests.
CefPrintHandler Implement this interface to handle printing on Linux.
CefPrintJobCallback Callback interface for asynchronous continuation of print job requests.
CefPrintSettings Class representing print settings.
CefProcessMessage Class representing a message.
CefRange Class representing a range.
CefRawPtr A CefRawPtr is the same as T*
CefReadHandler Interface the client can implement to provide a custom stream reader.
CefRect Class representing a rectangle.
CefRefCount Class that implements atomic reference counting.
CefRegisterCdmCallback Implement this interface to receive notification when CDM registration is complete.
CefRegistration Generic callback interface used for managing the lifespan of a registration.
CefRenderHandler Implement this interface to handle events when window rendering is disabled.
CefRenderProcessHandler Class used to implement render process callbacks.
CefRequest Class used to represent a web request.
CefRequestCallback Callback interface used for asynchronous continuation of url requests.
CefRequestContext A request context provides request handling for a set of related browser or URL request objects.
CefRequestContextHandler Implement this interface to provide handler implementations.
CefRequestContextSettings Class representing request context initialization settings.
CefRequestHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to browser requests.
CefResolveCallback Callback interface for CefRequestContext::ResolveHost.
CefResourceBundle Class used for retrieving resources from the resource bundle (*.pak) files loaded by CEF during startup or via the CefResourceBundleHandler returned from CefApp::GetResourceBundleHandler.
CefResourceBundleHandler Class used to implement a custom resource bundle interface.
CefResourceHandler Class used to implement a custom request handler interface.
CefResourceManager Class for managing multiple resource providers.
CefResourceReadCallback Callback for asynchronous continuation of CefResourceHandler::Read().
CefResourceRequestHandler Implement this interface to handle events related to browser requests.
CefResourceSkipCallback Callback for asynchronous continuation of CefResourceHandler::Skip().
CefResponse Class used to represent a web response.
CefResponseFilter Implement this interface to filter resource response content.
CefRunContextMenuCallback Callback interface used for continuation of custom context menu display.
CefRunFileDialogCallback Callback interface for CefBrowserHost::RunFileDialog.
CefSchemeHandlerFactory Class that creates CefResourceHandler instances for handling scheme requests.
CefSchemeRegistrar Class that manages custom scheme registrations.
CefScopedArgArray Helper class to manage a scoped copy of |argv|.
CefScopedSandboxInfo Manages the life span of a sandbox information object.
CefScopedTempDir An object representing a temporary / scratch directory that should be cleaned up (recursively) when this object goes out of scope.
CefScreenInfo Class representing the virtual screen information for use when window rendering is disabled.
CefScrollView A ScrollView will show horizontal and/or vertical scrollbars when necessary based on the size of the attached content view.
CefSelectClientCertificateCallback Callback interface used to select a client certificate for authentication.
CefServer Class representing a server that supports HTTP and WebSocket requests.
CefServerHandler Implement this interface to handle HTTP server requests.
CefSetCookieCallback Interface to implement to be notified of asynchronous completion via CefCookieManager::SetCookie().
CefSettings Class representing initialization settings.
CefSize Class representing a size.
CefSSLInfo Class representing SSL information.
CefSSLStatus Class representing the SSL information for a navigation entry.
CefStreamReader Class used to read data from a stream.
CefStreamResourceHandler Implementation of the CefResourceHandler class for reading from a CefStream.
CefStreamWriter Class used to write data to a stream.
CefStringBase CEF string classes can convert between all supported string types.
CefStringTraitsUTF16 Traits implementation for utf16 character strings.
CefStringTraitsUTF8 Traits implementation for utf8 character strings.
CefStringTraitsWide Traits implementation for wide character strings.
CefStringVisitor Implement this interface to receive string values asynchronously.
CefStructBase Template class that provides common functionality for CEF structure wrapping.
CefTask Implement this interface for asynchronous task execution.
CefTaskRunner Class that asynchronously executes tasks on the associated thread.
CefTextfield A Textfield supports editing of text.
CefTextfieldDelegate Implement this interface to handle Textfield events.
CefThread A simple thread abstraction that establishes a message loop on a new thread.
CefTime Class representing a time.
CefTouchEvent Class representing a touch event.
CefTranslatorTest Class for testing all of the possible data transfer types.
CefTranslatorTestRefPtrClient Client-side test object for RefPtr.
CefTranslatorTestRefPtrClientChild Client-side child test object for RefPtr.
CefTranslatorTestRefPtrLibrary Library-side test object for RefPtr.
CefTranslatorTestRefPtrLibraryChild Library-side child test object for RefPtr.
CefTranslatorTestRefPtrLibraryChildChild Another library-side child test object for RefPtr.
CefTranslatorTestScopedClient Client-side test object for OwnPtr/RawPtr.
CefTranslatorTestScopedClientChild Client-side child test object for OwnPtr/RawPtr.
CefTranslatorTestScopedLibrary Library-side test object for OwnPtr/RawPtr.
CefTranslatorTestScopedLibraryChild Library-side child test object for OwnPtr/RawPtr.
CefTranslatorTestScopedLibraryChildChild Another library-side child test object for OwnPtr/RawPtr.
CefURLParts Class representing a URL's component parts.
CefURLRequest Class used to make a URL request.
CefURLRequestClient Interface that should be implemented by the CefURLRequest client.
CefV8Accessor Interface that should be implemented to handle V8 accessor calls.
CefV8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback Callback interface that is passed to CefV8Value::CreateArrayBuffer.
CefV8Context Class representing a V8 context handle.
CefV8Exception Class representing a V8 exception.
CefV8Handler Interface that should be implemented to handle V8 function calls.
CefV8Interceptor Interface that should be implemented to handle V8 interceptor calls.
CefV8StackFrame Class representing a V8 stack frame handle.
CefV8StackTrace Class representing a V8 stack trace handle.
CefV8Value Class representing a V8 value handle.
CefValue Class that wraps other data value types.
CefView A View is a rectangle within the views View hierarchy.
CefViewDelegate Implement this interface to handle view events.
CefWaitableEvent WaitableEvent is a thread synchronization tool that allows one thread to wait for another thread to finish some work.
CefWebPluginInfo Information about a specific web plugin.
CefWebPluginInfoVisitor Interface to implement for visiting web plugin information.
CefWebPluginUnstableCallback Interface to implement for receiving unstable plugin information.
CefWindow A Window is a top-level Window/widget in the Views hierarchy.
CefWindowDelegate Implement this interface to handle window events.
CefWindowInfo Class representing window information.
CefWriteHandler Interface the client can implement to provide a custom stream writer.
CefX509Certificate Class representing a X.509 certificate.
CefX509CertPrincipal Class representing the issuer or subject field of an X.509 certificate.
CefXmlObject Thread safe class for representing XML data as a structured object.
CefXmlReader Class that supports the reading of XML data via the libxml streaming API.
CefZipArchive Thread-safe class for accessing zip archive file contents.
CefZipReader Class that supports the reading of zip archives via the zlib unzip API.

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CEF3 C++ API Docs - Version 80.1.4+g8927396+chromium-80.0.3987.149
Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) Copyright © 2016 Marshall A. Greenblatt