CEF to Decklink

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CEF to Decklink

Postby castles » Thu Jan 19, 2023 5:57 am

I'm wanting to create a simple app that allows the user to enter a url and the page gets rendered and gets sent to an output on a Decklink card. The output would need to update as the page changes. What would be the best way to achieve this?
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Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2023 5:52 am

Re: CEF to Decklink

Postby ndesktop » Fri Jan 20, 2023 8:46 am

Modify cefsimple:
1. cefsimple --url=<page-to-load>
2. Implement OnLoadEnd to get the result and process it
3. "need to update as the page changes" can mean many things, but I suppose the next time when OnLoadEnd occurs you can compare with the previously saved local output, whatever that is, and decide if the page really changed or not.
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