JCEF Resize performance

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JCEF Resize performance

Postby mmmkkaaayy » Sun Jul 19, 2020 3:12 am

I'm pretty new to JCEF and Swing so please bare with me if this is obvious...

I'm running JCEF on Windows 10 using the following commands
Code: Select all
run.bat win64 Release detailed

It opens a Java Swing window. If I resize that window on any URL, I can see that resize operation is not entirely realtime with the window resizing. For a few milliseconds, there is black (if I'm increasing the size of the window), before the page rearranges itself to the correct dimensions. If I rapidly resize the window continuously, even when I stop moving the mouse, the window is still 'catching up' with all the previously issued resize commands.

If I do the same thing with an electron BrowserWindow on the any URL, the resize performance is much smoother.

If I had to guess, (Swing is queuing up all the resize commands instead of debouncing/throttling them || resize with JCEF is inherently slower).

Any ideas on what could be causing this behavior, and whether it can be improved?
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