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How to store and retrieve cookies for different contexts?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:14 am
by JohnnyTheHun
What I want to achieve: have separate browser instances using separate session cookies, and I want to be able to browse and set cookies.
1. First I have to create a new browser with a separate context (I am currently unable to do this but this is the topic of a different thread). But I hope I'll get to this soon.
2. Next I have to be able to browse and set the values for cookies separately for each browser.

To get and set cookies I need access to a CefCookieManager.
Currently the only function I found returning a CefCookieManager is CefCookieManager.getGlobalManager()
But if I have seperate CefBrowser instances with separate CefRequestContexts how do I get and set cookies for each requestcontext separately?

Re: How to store and retrieve cookies for different contexts

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 9:06 am
by Strela9
I'd be interested in that as well! My team is working on a data gathering/synthesizing task about these residency in Greece rules and laws, and I'd like to keep separately cookies gathered from related searches.

Re: How to store and retrieve cookies for different contexts

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 2:35 am
by JohnnyTheHun
Could you detail what you mean by "I'd like to keep separately cookies gathered from related searches"
Are there multiple searches running in parallel? And you would like it to work as if they were running in different browsers?