I'm happy to announce the availability of a new Automated CEF Builder hosted by our friends over at Spotify:
http://opensource.spotify.com/cefbuilds/index.htmlThis builder is based on
code (Python + HTML/JS/CSS) that has been open sourced as part of the CEF project. The new
AutomatedBuildSetup Wiki page provides a brief description of how this builder is set up and how you can now set up your own automated builder using the provided tools.
https://cefbuilds.com this new builder runs nightly builds of just the recommended branch. For example, since 2704 branch just reached the Chromium stable channel that branch is currently recommended. Older branch builds will still be discoverable using the filter capability (give it a try once more builds are listed). Depending on your zone is may take up to 24 hours for the index file updates to propagate -- so please be patient while waiting for the most recent builds to show up.
In addition to the index.html file linked above there is also an
index.json file described
here that can be parsed by tools for automatic discovery of downloads. We'll be publishing some new CMake macros and examples in the next few weeks that demonstrate this usage.